Fiber Optic Services

Network Design And Consulting

Arqam Net Company is ready to provide services to dear customers according to its activity records in the field of providing fiber optic services.

Fiber optics is a communication channel for transferring information from one point to one or more other points, which is divided into different categories according to the distance, bandwidth and type of cable bending, which are generally of two types of fiber (Single Mode). SM and (MultiMode (MM) are used in network infrastructure and ICT communications.

The following figure shows the overall structure of a fiber optic fiber in terms of thickness and coating, which according to the fiber optic form consists of a central core called Core, which in Single Mode fibers is between 8 and 9 microns thick and in Multimode fibers in thickness. There are two types, 62.5 and 50 microns, depending on the year the fiber was made.

Comparison of Single Mode with Multi Mode fiber optic cable

The top layer of Core, which is 125 microns thick, is known as Clad and is the same in both types of fiber optics. 125, which indicates multimode fiber, is specified.

It is not possible to create infrastructure and set up fiber-optic networks and provide Point to Point and Point to Multipoint services on a fiber optic platform, including (FTTX, PON, 2) without constant support and proper after-sales service. Therefore, Arqamnet Company has been able to create a strong group of young experts in the country who work in a separate department and use the equipment and devices Fusion, OTDR, Fluke, OPM from its customers in various sectors of infrastructure, technology and service in Support all hours of the day and night. The company also offers 24-hour consulting services to its customers for free and to provide a suitable solution for communication based on fiber-optic platform.