Supply Network Equipments
- Argham Net
- Supply Network Equipments
Supply Equipments
As you know, network active devices are devices that generate, direct, or amplify signals and are usually connected to electricity. In computer networks, servers, storage devices, routers, switches, etc. are the most widely used active network goods, many of which are counterfeit in the market. They may be very confused about choosing computer network equipment.
In line with customer-oriented values and relying on its experienced specialists, Arqam Net Company provides active quality network equipment for its customers and strives to ensure that the contracting companies enjoy the highest level of satisfaction with Arghamnet’s network equipment and services. Have. Cisco, Microtek, HPE and other leading network equipment active in the field of active network equipment with original quality and with a guarantee are offered to the customers of Argham Net.
Active And Passive Network Equipment
One of the most important factors in the supply of passive goods and network equipment and active computer equipment is the correct choice of product and equipment specifications according to the knowledge of network infrastructure and defined needs by the user and experts of the information technology unit of the organization. Correct leads to determining the part number with complete technical specifications in the product supply process, which is schematically specified in the figure below.
نیاز شبکه
بررسی نیاز ها با توجه به تجهیزات سازمانها
تعیین و تعریف صحیح نیاز توسط کارشناسان IT
مشخص شدن پارت نامبر تجهیزات
استعلام موجودی تجهیزات در بازار توسط واحد بازرگانی
تعیین بودجه توسط واحد مالی
استعلام قیمت و خرید کالا
According to the technical ability and 15 years of experience in supplying goods and services in the field of information technology of private and public organizations and receiving customer satisfaction regarding consulting, determining the correct needs, determining the part number of the equipment, Announcing the inventory of equipment in the market and providing goods and services are at the service of dear customers.